My boy thought he was turning on the faucet...well he wasn't!
Stefunk ,This is for you since you say we eat weird food here in the deep south!! Yummy shrimp...On Sunday we had yummy bbq'd shrimp!!
The ingredients were some Worcestershire sauce, some fresh sweet basil, butter and lots of it, garlic, a little lemon and of course salt and pepper to taste.
and yes I am sorry to say I got so busy with stuff that I forgot to take pictures of the after...sorry.
Well, this is totally a random post of things that are going on in the Boring Bennett Household!
Here is a cake I did recently...
It's suppose to look like a beach....not sure if I accomplished that.
and well here is some more randomness of the morning as I was bringing Nate to the bus stop! He made me take this picture of what I have no idea...but he is just so damn cute sometimes its hard to resist him!! But I still sometimes want to sell him to the Gypsies!!!
This is what we saw crawling on our back patio this was huge! It's a locus... Well that's all I got for now. Taking the kids swimming tomorrow one last time before my parents close the pool. I think they are trying to keep it open till we go to Vegas ...which is about 18 days away. I am so nervous excited!! I've never left my kids for this long and this far a way, but I know that they will be in great hands. My brother and his wife will be staying with them here at the house from Wed. night till Friday morning and then my mom and dad will get them from the bus on Friday and take them out to their house till Sunday (9-20) They will bring them home and get them in bed. We should be home around 1 or 2 Monday morning!
Oh and I had my MRI on Tuesday and I go to the doctor on Monday afternoon to find out the results. I'm really praying that I don't need surgery. I have been wearing the brace and it has been feeling better and I have not had to take my pain meds in a good while....If I have to have surgery I have no idea when I will find enough down time to pencil it in!!!! Oh well I'll let ya know after Monday!

BBQ'd shrimp are my favorite! I bet they were good
Oh. My. Word. Two of my girls really want to come to your house for dinner! I would waste away to nothing if I lived there! And I hope the appointment goes well:c)
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