Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways acknowledge Him, and He will make your paths STRAIGHT.

Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Day +75

On Monday they turned the continuous fluids flushing the bladder off, later that evening they took the water away. On Tuesday they took the catheter out. Today was a day that they turned her continuous fluids off to see how she is going to do on her own a little. She had to drink 24 oz on her own today. Well it was a lot of work to get her to drink that 24 oz but she did it. We are still making her drink a little more than that. Not sure if they will let her out tomorrow or not. Her urine has been a nice beautiful yellow. We are finding out that she can't take a lot of medicines!! She can't take Versed, Voriconazol, Valium, Benadryl, I'm still trying to think what else. It has been a very interesting 4 nights!!
Well it is getting a little late and I am ready to go to bed so I better run and see if I can get Amelia off the phone and settled down. I wanted to let every one what was going on. If anything changes I will be sure to let you know. Thank you all for the continued prayers that are greatly appreciated!!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I am so glad to hear that things are moving in the right direction! Yay for yellow! :) That stinks that she can't take those meds. Are they giving her Nystatin instead of Vfend for her anti-fungal? I know every once in a while when my liver functions went out of whack the docs put me on Nystatin for a few days to rest my liver. It was a "creamy, tropical suspension" that I had to swish around before swallowing. Glad I kept my nose plug from my work up week pulmonary test! ;D Anyway, I'll keep praying that Amelia keeps healing and that you guys can head back to the RMH soon. :3
