Happy New Year hope that your 2009 is filled with helath & happiness!!!

These actually smell better than they taste....now don't get me wrong they don't taste bad. They just smell like a real cheesecake, but taste like something else....
We use instant, butter flavored.... just add a little butter, water, salt and this stuff.....
pop them into the microwave for a minute and bingo they are ready to eat....
Can you guess what we are having for breakfast tomorrow morning???
Here is a video that I took
Well gotta run... it's late and need to put the kiddo's to bed!
He took the walk down the isle.....
NO NOT THAT one...
For months now he has been talking about accepting Christ into his heart and life and wanting to be baptized. Well yesterday at church he decided he was ready and made the walk down the isle to the front of the church to tell our pastor that he was ready. This is a big step for him, just walking down the isle to publicly profess this is big for him as he is an extremely shy person and always thinks everyone is laughing at him. Our pastor told him he was so very proud of him...our pastor and church have been with us every step of Marshall's journey so it was a wonderful day indeed!!!
Not sure I like Amelia's face, she looks like a chipmunk.
Amelia being silly