Auction items...
Daniel Lang, Heather's husband. Heather is one of the coordinators of the Ball.
(if you click on the picture above it will open bigger in another tab)
I plan on taking lots of pictures and giving you all a great update...later next week. Hope to see you there!!!
Here is a picture of Amelia and her puppy Chico. I just like routine and in the summer there is no routine. The kids run wild, well one of them any way!
Amelia is starting to feel much better, but now Nathan sounds like he is getting it, he just got over a touch of a stomach bug.
Although I am glad at the present time that our lives are boring...I just hate hearing it from the kids. Umm like 500 times a day and they are never happy with what you suggest...well, Amelia any way she thinks I was put here to entertain her!
Next week if she is back to 100% we will be going to get her blood work done, I pray that those pesky platelets are up or staying the same!!!!
I have not recipes for Taste Tuesday as I have not been cooking that much and when I do I for get to take pictures of it....I will try to get my head right.
The rest of this week we have no plans, I might try to take them out to my parents house so that they can swim if Nathan is feeling better...Ty is off Friday and I think we are going to go to the Y and after we both work out we are going to take them swimming there too.
We really need to head to Sam's one of these days as we are in serious need of food!!
OK now I am rambling and I am hearing kids telling me that they are bored!! SO I need to run I'll try to catch up with ya later!