Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways acknowledge Him, and He will make your paths STRAIGHT.

Friday, November 7, 2008

Favorite Foto Friday

OK so it isn't my favorite foto...but it will give you a hint to what I will be doing tomorrow night for my big 3-8. I know there is not getting out of wearing that big stupid hat, I hoping so....

This post is about me, I am still doing great with going to the gym regularly, I've lost 12 lbs would love to loose more but I'll take it. I'm also proud of my self when I started the gym, the elliptical machines were out of the question...well, I've been seen doing the silent cheer(Nate does this and it is so cute!) I first started out at 5 minutes and that machine whipped my butt, just about 2 weeks...drum roll please can do a whole hour on it and then get off and do 30 minutes on the treadmill or the bike!!!!

I love it, I use to have a hard time going to sleep. I wouldn't fall asleep some times till 12:30- 1:00 lights are out at our house at 9!! The other night we were in bed for 7:30!!

Any way it's now time for me to lay with Naterbug......

Nightie night


Stefunkc said...

HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!! Hope you had a great day!

Way to go on the working out! We have a gym 2 minutes away at our church that's free and I hardly ever go. You're inspiring!

Unknown said...

Wow! Kelly! You're a lean, mean, exercising machine!
Maybe you will provide some inspiration for ME to lose the ton I've gained over the past few years.
And a very Happy (albeit belated) Birthday to you! What a great way to prepare for your 40's. (Like I even remember them!) You are going to be in great health and great shape. I'm very happy for you, and happy that things are stable for Amelia currently. She can't come to transplant anyway until I get that Goldy Gopher snowglobe for her. Believe me, I've hit every one on ebay and Craigslist the last 2 years and I can't grab one for the life of me. I want that little Gopher for her! (He's the U of MN mascot). Take care, all of you. Glad you're all early to bed these days. I'll try that sometime - maybe in my next decade. ha.

Anonymous said...

Happy belated b-day Kelly! Hope you had a great day. Congrats on your 12 pound weight are an exercising machine! :) LOve, Dianne Ploetz