Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways acknowledge Him, and He will make your paths STRAIGHT.

Monday, October 13, 2008


Well the weekend was nice, but I'm glad that it is Monday morning...I'm sure all you SAHM's know what I am talking about. (Wink, Wink.....)

Anyway, to the Eye doctor we went on Friday, well first Amelia's eyes have improved a great deal. She does not need glasses, she was disappointed, she wanted some...go figure, Marshall on the other hand who needs them doesn't want them. His news was 50/50. While his eye site is improving....can you shout it with me....NO MORE DOUBLE VISION!!! A horrible side effect from the stroke he suffered during transplant 5 years ago. BUT, come on you knew it was coming didn't had to have know there always seems to be a but. OK first, his eye site is improving too, if he would just wear those darn glasses on a regular basis. ( He hates them and thinks he looks like a dork with them....not the truth) They are helping his eyes steadily improve, and hopefully one day he won't need them anymore or at least not all the time!! Here is where the but comes lately he has had to be put on a lot of inhaled steroids and a few steroid shots and some by mouth (not for long about a week for his Allergies and Asthma) What we discovered as we were at the eye doc is that all the steroid use has started cataracts in his left eye. You use something to help improve one thing and then you get another side affect!!!! UUUUGGGGHHHHHH!!!
We have an appointment with the allergist on the 16th for quite a few discussions...first, I think he is on way too much inhaled steroids , I think they are the cause of a lot of side effects like...weight gain, moodiness and now the cataract. His weight has climbed here in the last few months, we are going to also go to the pediatrician to see if she can check his thyroid and see if that could be some of the problem. He weighs 150lbs. I just pray that they can get to the reason for the weight gain.

Well I have to run we made the mistake of getting out the Halloween decorations and well it looks like someone threw up Halloween all over the livingroom.

I don't have a recipe for Tasty Tuseday...I'll keep looking though.....


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