Is it possible to love and hate the same time of year? I do! I love the holidays, of course who really doesn't love them? I hate the anniversary that is right around the corner. I think it came flooding back to me as I laid down to get Nathan to go to sleep. You see his room was once Marshall's room. It has changed a bit but not a lot. We had carpet in there back then and now we have hard wood floors, there is a different bed in there now. The paint is newer but still the same basic color and the wallpaper border is still the same for almost 12 years now(dinosaurs), which will change soon. Anyway as I was laying there in the bed with Nate all kinds of memories from 8 years ago came flooding back. Well it's not quite there yet on Jan 11th to be exact will be 8 years. I was remembering how the night started. Marshall was sick with a cold and yucky coughing and all. The night progressed and he started to throw up some blood, not a lot and he has extremely low platelets and I was not that worried...but as the night went on I just remember him saying weird things and then BOOM, it hit me like it hit him...I called the pediatrician and told her, this was like at midnight and she said what I think deep down I already knew...get him to Tulane Hospital ASAP. She asked if we wanted her to call an ambulance, but Ty figured he would get him there a lot faster than them, as first they would have to find us in the woods. When we got to the causeway we payed the toll and told the toll booth lady we were on our way to the ER she notified any police that were working on the bridge that night so if they saw us they would know what was going's at a time like this that having police officer training is very helpful. When we reached the south shore we just went ran red lights and all we thought for sure that some police man somewhere was going to follow us to the ER, but no we were lucky. When we arrived at the Er they were ready and waiting for us. Thankfully one of our favorite police friends was working (we had met him just a few weeks earlier) and was so helpful. The doctors already suspected what was wrong but didn't tell us till it was confirmed and they worked quickly and it is that quickness and thoroughness that they took that I am thankful for today that my son is still alive!! I don't think I will ever for get that night. Ty was so worried not only about Marshall but me as well as I was pregnant with Nathan and was an extreme high risk pregnancy. We were told that who ever needed to get there need to get there now! We called my mom and dad and they came with Mimi quickly. You see it was also their anniversary!
Any way lets just say the next 48 hours or so were so critical, he had had brain surgery to repair a massive brain hemorrhage, lets just say the doctors were NOT optimistic at all. The gave us no prognosis what so ever and all they could tell us is we did what we could do and now time will tell. Time did tell and God preformed a miracle, because in just a few days he was out of the PICU and in a regular room walking talking and learning to eat again. To this day doctors are still amazed at him they told us with the kind of damage to the brain, that he should have been a vegetable basically. The left side of the brain was so swollen that you could hardly see the right side on the CT scan (they showed it to us). The center line of the brain is not suppose to move.
Anyway that is the main reason that I hate this time of year it always bring back those memories, and yes I am thankful that God granted that miracle and he is still here. As a mom though, and all you moms and probably dads too know....I HATE that he even had to go through anything like that!!! So when we call him Mighty Miraculous kinda know why!
Sorry to ramble but I just had to let it out....I'm so thankful it has been 8 years!!
On the home/health front they all seem to be getting over their nasty colds and we will be get Amelia's counts done on the 3rd of Jan.
Keep praying for them and thank you for your prayers they mean the world to us and if anyone knows the power of prayer it is I!!