Well she did it, that little bitty girl of mine graduated from high school!!
A few of her senior pictures that I took and printed myself!!
Here she is on Graduation night!!
So much has gone on since I last checked in. My mom suddenly passed away on August 31st 2017. I lost a big piece of me that day. I have pushed on for the sake of my family who needs me. I had to be strong for my dad, my brother and my children. I miss her every single day and there are so many times I want to reach for that phone to call her or text her some random information. I'm not sure if it will get easier. I know that I will never get over it, BUT I will get through it. Nathan, is growing like a weed! 6 feet tall and about 105 pounds, tall and super skinny. He just finished his first year of high school, he was on the track team. He plans on doing track again next year and hopes to make the baseball team!!
Marshall is doing pretty good, health wise. He has his ups and downs. He tries to work, but with all that he has been through it's hard for him to stand and do stuff with his joints in pain. He still enjoys going to church and spending time with his friends from there.
Ty is working, he is in bad shape lol. Poor thing needs double knee replacement. He hasn't had much relief in his back or neck either, but he still gets up and goes to work every morning and fights through the pain.
So as you can see we are all still here moving a long and grooving to our own little beat.
I work full time so I can't promise it wont be so long in between post! lol😃
Take care everyone, (if there is even anyone who checks in still on here 😂 )
Till next time.....
Wednesday, June 13, 2018
Thursday, November 10, 2016
I am so sorry that stupid people keep hacking my blog and posting nasty things!! Make up your own people get a life!
I have some pictures to post in a bit of Amelia at homecoming.
I'll be back in just a bit!
Saturday, September 3, 2016
Wow where has the time gone!
Just checking in again.
It has been quite sometime since I have last updated.
The kids continue to grow and get older. I can't believe how much time has just flown by. They are all doing fairly well. Marshall had a scare with what we thought was a tumor in the bone of his upper arm. We have been having it closely monitored. We went last week for some more scans and the doctor feels more than sure it is nothing to worry about. we will go back again in 6 months and if there is no change then he will be dismissed. Marshall has been a busy man these days. Back in March he went on his first mission trip clear across the country to Thailand. These days he is helping the flood victims by gutting out houses and clean up efforts. He is planning on attending another mission trip to Thailand in November, but is trying to raise the fund to get him there, so far he has had his plane ticket paid for, but in order to go he must raise $500.00 more dollars. I will have to post his letter he wrote as soon as I figure out how to do that. Amelia started her junior year in high school. She was very sick the first week of school and missed the whole first week. She is much better now and doing well, both in school and health wise. I updated the picture at the top of the blog that is the most recent picture of our family taken in May. Nathan is also doing well, he is in 8th grade. This will be his last year at the junior high school and next year he will be at the high school with Amelia. He is hoping to try out for a few sports at school this year. Baseball, volleyball and the track team. Ty is still working, as long as his back and neck will let him. He has his good days and bad days. there really isn't much to do for them except surgery and he refuses to do that until it is his last resort. I am also doing fairly well, I continue to work, which I really enjoy....never thought I would say that. With the kids getting older and not needing so many doctor visits I figured I would get out there and go to work. Well I know that this is a quick little up date. I will try and get up some newer pictures, especially of Marshall and his trip to Thailand. Besides, I am not really sure anyone even reads this blog anymore.
Well until next time,
Take care,
Just checking in again.
It has been quite sometime since I have last updated.
The kids continue to grow and get older. I can't believe how much time has just flown by. They are all doing fairly well. Marshall had a scare with what we thought was a tumor in the bone of his upper arm. We have been having it closely monitored. We went last week for some more scans and the doctor feels more than sure it is nothing to worry about. we will go back again in 6 months and if there is no change then he will be dismissed. Marshall has been a busy man these days. Back in March he went on his first mission trip clear across the country to Thailand. These days he is helping the flood victims by gutting out houses and clean up efforts. He is planning on attending another mission trip to Thailand in November, but is trying to raise the fund to get him there, so far he has had his plane ticket paid for, but in order to go he must raise $500.00 more dollars. I will have to post his letter he wrote as soon as I figure out how to do that. Amelia started her junior year in high school. She was very sick the first week of school and missed the whole first week. She is much better now and doing well, both in school and health wise. I updated the picture at the top of the blog that is the most recent picture of our family taken in May. Nathan is also doing well, he is in 8th grade. This will be his last year at the junior high school and next year he will be at the high school with Amelia. He is hoping to try out for a few sports at school this year. Baseball, volleyball and the track team. Ty is still working, as long as his back and neck will let him. He has his good days and bad days. there really isn't much to do for them except surgery and he refuses to do that until it is his last resort. I am also doing fairly well, I continue to work, which I really enjoy....never thought I would say that. With the kids getting older and not needing so many doctor visits I figured I would get out there and go to work. Well I know that this is a quick little up date. I will try and get up some newer pictures, especially of Marshall and his trip to Thailand. Besides, I am not really sure anyone even reads this blog anymore.
Well until next time,
Take care,
Tuesday, June 9, 2015
So Sorry...
I know it's been a while since I checked in and it seems that some nasty people have hacked into this blog! Shame on them!! I am so sorry for that.
We are all doing pretty well. Ty and I both have new jobs that we both love.
The kids are getting big and doing so well.
Amelia just celebrated 4 years post bone marrow transplant and her 15th birthday. Oh boy what a handful she is going to be.she is quite the pistol. She will be in 10th grade when school starts again. Health wise she is doing just great and nothing really stops her from doing things.
Marshall is doing pretty well too. Learning to drive, a big step for someone who has had both a brain hemorrhage and stroke. He is working on getting his GED and going to summer school too.
Nate will be in 7th grade when school starts again. He is doing well too. He had some heart issues earlier in the year and was diagnosed with SVT. Thankfully right now it is nothing to worry about.
SVT is Supraventricular tachycardia. Which is defined as: Supraventricular tachycardia (SVT) means that from time to time your heart beats very fast for a reason other than exercise, high fever, or stress. For most people who have SVT, the heart still works normally to pump blood through the body.
Thankfully his doesn't last that long and they don't happen to often. We monitor him through the pediatric cardiologist and if they get more frequent and more often then there will be things that will need to be done, but for now he can be a normal preteen boy!!
Ty is doing fairly well. His back is still hurting now and then and he will need to get the injections again in his back soon. He found a job that he really likes and he is home every night and they have pretty good insurance, which he will need.
Well that about sums it up for most of us. I am at work so I need to wrap this post up. I hope to update again real soon and hope no one else hacks this site!
Again so sorry for that.
The kids are getting big and doing so well.
Amelia just celebrated 4 years post bone marrow transplant and her 15th birthday. Oh boy what a handful she is going to be.she is quite the pistol. She will be in 10th grade when school starts again. Health wise she is doing just great and nothing really stops her from doing things.
Marshall is doing pretty well too. Learning to drive, a big step for someone who has had both a brain hemorrhage and stroke. He is working on getting his GED and going to summer school too.
Nate will be in 7th grade when school starts again. He is doing well too. He had some heart issues earlier in the year and was diagnosed with SVT. Thankfully right now it is nothing to worry about.
SVT is Supraventricular tachycardia. Which is defined as: Supraventricular tachycardia (SVT) means that from time to time your heart beats very fast for a reason other than exercise, high fever, or stress. For most people who have SVT, the heart still works normally to pump blood through the body.
Thankfully his doesn't last that long and they don't happen to often. We monitor him through the pediatric cardiologist and if they get more frequent and more often then there will be things that will need to be done, but for now he can be a normal preteen boy!!
Ty is doing fairly well. His back is still hurting now and then and he will need to get the injections again in his back soon. He found a job that he really likes and he is home every night and they have pretty good insurance, which he will need.
Well that about sums it up for most of us. I am at work so I need to wrap this post up. I hope to update again real soon and hope no one else hacks this site!
Again so sorry for that.
Saturday, December 13, 2014
Things here are moving along. Slow but moving...progress is progress...Ty had his first injection about two weeks ago, he will go in on the 17th for another one. I will not be able to be with him, I have a job now working M-F 8 to 4:30. I like it a lot, it is a temp position but something is better than nothing. My sister in law will be taking him for me, because I do not want to miss any days at work and I just started. We are praying we can get the third injection in before the end of the year. We have met all of our deductibles and so everything is covered 100%! yay But once we get his back fixed we need to start working on his neck, doc said one thing at a time.
anyway that is a little of what we have been up too. I haven't even gotten around to Christmas pictures let a lone a Christmas card. I just did get the tree up...
well have to go run errands so if I don't get back here before Christmas....Have a wonderful blessed Christmas!!!
Hope to be back soon. Thank you all for your thoughts and prayers they do mean a lot to us.
Hugs, Blessings
Merry Christmas,
anyway that is a little of what we have been up too. I haven't even gotten around to Christmas pictures let a lone a Christmas card. I just did get the tree up...
well have to go run errands so if I don't get back here before Christmas....Have a wonderful blessed Christmas!!!
Hope to be back soon. Thank you all for your thoughts and prayers they do mean a lot to us.
Hugs, Blessings
Merry Christmas,

Saturday, October 18, 2014
Putting on God's Armor
Blow is a link, it is worth copying and pasting and listening to the message! I have, numerous times, it is so worth it. It was our Sunday sermon this past Sunday and lets just say that I could NOT keep a dry eye through the entire service. As I type this I have it on once again to hear this very powerful message.
I am assuming that it is touching me right now because we ( our family ) is in the midst of a major crises..... we are sitting still in a stagnate pond. No future in our site and a suction hole opening up, the future looks bleak from where we are sitting in the water, but I am desperately holding on to God's promise and I am,
Putting on God's Armor....
The message is powerful and real. Some high lights of it are worth repeating...If not for your benefit but for mine later to come back and reread it over and over until it truly sticks.
To Fight a spiritual war we must put on our spiritual Armor:
It's not a helmet - It's salvation
It's not a sword - It's the word of God
It's not a breast Plate - It's faith and righteousness
Put on the full armor of GOD!
2 Chronicles 20: 15-17
15 He said, “Listen, all you people of Judah and Jerusalem! Listen, King Jehoshaphat! This is what the Lord says: Do not be afraid! Don’t be discouraged by this mighty army, for the battle is not yours, but God’s.16 Tomorrow, march out against them. You will find them coming up through the ascent of Ziz at the end of the valley that opens into the wilderness of Jeruel. 17 But you will not even need to fight. Take your positions; then stand still and watch the Lord’s victory. He is with you, O people of Judah and Jerusalem. Do not be afraid or discouraged. Go out against them tomorrow, for the Lord is with you!”
Stand firm, Don't be afraid, don't be discouraged, go out and face them tomorrow in the full ARMOR OF GOD!
It is so worth the watch or to just listen to so if you have time and want to truly be touched, please copy and paste the above link into your browser and watch!
I am assuming that it is touching me right now because we ( our family ) is in the midst of a major crises..... we are sitting still in a stagnate pond. No future in our site and a suction hole opening up, the future looks bleak from where we are sitting in the water, but I am desperately holding on to God's promise and I am,
Putting on God's Armor....
The message is powerful and real. Some high lights of it are worth repeating...If not for your benefit but for mine later to come back and reread it over and over until it truly sticks.
To Fight a spiritual war we must put on our spiritual Armor:
It's not a helmet - It's salvation
It's not a sword - It's the word of God
It's not a breast Plate - It's faith and righteousness
Put on the full armor of GOD!
2 Chronicles 20: 15-17
15 He said, “Listen, all you people of Judah and Jerusalem! Listen, King Jehoshaphat! This is what the Lord says: Do not be afraid! Don’t be discouraged by this mighty army, for the battle is not yours, but God’s.16 Tomorrow, march out against them. You will find them coming up through the ascent of Ziz at the end of the valley that opens into the wilderness of Jeruel. 17 But you will not even need to fight. Take your positions; then stand still and watch the Lord’s victory. He is with you, O people of Judah and Jerusalem. Do not be afraid or discouraged. Go out against them tomorrow, for the Lord is with you!”
Stand firm, Don't be afraid, don't be discouraged, go out and face them tomorrow in the full ARMOR OF GOD!
It is so worth the watch or to just listen to so if you have time and want to truly be touched, please copy and paste the above link into your browser and watch!

Friday, October 10, 2014
Venting again.....
Cause I just gotta let it out!!!
I have a friend who I love dearly, but she calls me just about every other day and asks me the same question...how are you today? Well I am at a loss as how to respond anymore, I usually say I'm fine (I'm not in a very talkative mood) then she will say you don't sound fine. Well what am I suppose to say? No matter what I say she says it's all going to be fine, things will work out, God isn't going to leave you now look at all you've been through with your kids.....
I understand, I don't feel like I should ask God for anything, I mean after all did He not already give me two wonderful walking and talking miracles.... I know people go through trials and tribulations and it's always easier for those looking in from the outside and those on the inside just can't seem to see inside.
I never wanted to be the mother to tell her kids there isn't anything for them to snack on ( you can have some bread and water). I think above all I hate it the most for my kids. I know that when and if we get to the other side of this storm they will (if nothing else) will have a great appreciation for the things we do have and never to take them for granted again.....Well one can hope that is what they will take away from this all. It hasn't sank in for one of them yet. I will say that my poor Nater he was always and will always be a worrier. He worries more now about all sorts of things. I told him the other day that is not your job that is mommy's job.
I know what ever will be will be and it will be in His time and it's all in His hands....but sometimes I just want to feel the way I feel and have NO ONE tell me how to feel............
Sorry had to vent and get some things off my chest, the stress of it all gets to me! Going to bed.
I understand, I don't feel like I should ask God for anything, I mean after all did He not already give me two wonderful walking and talking miracles.... I know people go through trials and tribulations and it's always easier for those looking in from the outside and those on the inside just can't seem to see inside.
I never wanted to be the mother to tell her kids there isn't anything for them to snack on ( you can have some bread and water). I think above all I hate it the most for my kids. I know that when and if we get to the other side of this storm they will (if nothing else) will have a great appreciation for the things we do have and never to take them for granted again.....Well one can hope that is what they will take away from this all. It hasn't sank in for one of them yet. I will say that my poor Nater he was always and will always be a worrier. He worries more now about all sorts of things. I told him the other day that is not your job that is mommy's job.
I know what ever will be will be and it will be in His time and it's all in His hands....but sometimes I just want to feel the way I feel and have NO ONE tell me how to feel............
Sorry had to vent and get some things off my chest, the stress of it all gets to me! Going to bed.

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