Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways acknowledge Him, and He will make your paths STRAIGHT.

Saturday, May 9, 2009


I know I have been missing....
It has been some kinda crazy around here.
I promise though I will be back soon enough. There isn't much to update on...Amelia had her counts done again but unfortunately the good counts didn't last. her platelets are back down to 26, but we are not giving up on the fact that since they rose once they CAN do it again!!!! We are gearing up for summer around here, well the kids are, me not so much. I like routines and well we just don't have one in the summertime!!!!
Oh, Amelia was excited to hear that she gets another wish...
We were eating dinner the other night and the phone rang and it was a lady with the wish endowment fund ( I think that is what she said) and I told her that we had already went to Disney with Make-a-Wish and she said that didn't matter to their organization, she said she still gets one through them and she can go any where she wants and if she wants to go back to Disney that is fine with them, or anything else she wishes for!!! She is so excited...she is thinking she might want to go back to Disney, like for Thanksgiving...I talked to the lady at the wish foundation and said that if we had to go to transplant before then she would have things in place so that if we need to go we could go!
Well it's getting late and my little man needs me to put him to bed.
But I wanted to wish all of the mom's out there that read this blog a very Happy Mothers day to ya!!!!

1 comment:

Julie Barbier said...

Kelly, great to hear good news on Marshall and Amelia. We hope you have a HAPPY MOTHER'S DAY! Your an awesome mom who deserves a day of peace and love. Keeping you in my prayers,
